Thursday, September 15, 2011

what is the effect of Ducting effect on RF network?

what is the effect of Ducting effect on RF network?



Answer: It has an adverse impact, and occurs due to the formation of different temperature layers of air in the atmosphere. 

During early morning, and early evening, when the atmospheric temperatures are changing, the cooler air (being denser) stays close to ground and the warmer air (being less dense) stays higher. Now when the Radio Waves tend to enter the cooler air zone, they get reflected (according to 'Total Internal Reflection', just like in optical fibers). This causes the radio waves to over-shoot and go to longer distance (you may notice that in rural areas, there is weak signal in day time, and better in the evening). As the distance/Timing Advance increases, there is weak DL/UL signal strength therefore bad quality, hence the drop calls increase. 

This phenomenon is even more pronounced when summers and winters are interchanging, and even more near rivers. 

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