Saturday, November 13, 2010

Explain the different Handover types in UMTS

Explain the different Handover types in UMTS


Ans: Soft(er) Handover: connected to more than one cell on the same frequency, softer occurs when 2 cells in the active set belong to same Node-B; Intra-frequency Hard Handover: Occurs when Ue moves from one cell in one RNC to a cell in another RNC and the RNCs do not have an Iur link between each other; Inter-Frequency Hard Handover: when UE changes from one frequency to another frequency (usually due to traffic layer management or Quality reasons);Inter-technology (iRAT) Hard Handover: Handover from UMTS to GSM (v.v.) usually at the edge of UMTS service area but also due to quality reasons.

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